Clark Schaefer
Accounting Policies and Procedures

Accounting Policies and Procedures

Policy and procedure documentation serve as indispensable guides, providing clear directions on how to execute tasks and activities.

Each plays an instrumental role in ensuring strict adherence to relevant laws, industry regulation, and best practices. Policy and procedure documentation contributes to your organizational management, efficiency, and overall excellence.

Partnering with Clark Schaefer Consulting can be beneficial for organizations looking to enhance their documentation processes and ensure they are in alignment with their strategic objectives.

Business processes are not static. Over time they need further refinement and improvement. Changes in enterprise resource planning (ERP) and systems upgrades or enhancements impact business process documentation. Clear and well-documented business processes are essential for smooth operations.

Clark Schaefer Consulting provides easy to understand and follow business process documentation which includes imagery and clearly defined step-by-step instruction. We will assist with ensuring your organization’s documentation is up-to-date and aligned with your evolving business needs.

Our approach: 

01 Planning

In this phase, we will meet with the management team to understand the current situation and identify the areas of focus. This initial step is crucial for setting the direction of the project. 

02 Preparation

During this phase, we gather and review all existing documentation relevant to the project. Additionally, we will compile a comprehensive list of laws and regulations that the organization needs to adhere to. This is essential for ensuring that the documentation aligns with legal requirements.

03 Interviews and Documentation

This phase involves meeting with designated personnel in the chosen functional areas to gain insights into current processes. We will conduct interviews and ask questions to understand the workflows better. Subsequently, we will start the process of updating or creating documentation. The type of documentation could include organizational charts, business process mapping, organizational policies, operational procedures, and a business optimization report. These documents are designed to provide clear guidance and improve efficiency.

04 Deliverables

In the final phase, we will provide the organization with the completed documentation. These documents will be comprehensive and professional, serving as a guide for associates to execute tasks and activities effectively. 

Documentation & Governance

Documentation & Governance

Develop Accountability, Efficiency, and Compliance with Sound Documentation and Governance